Jurists Bar Review Center is a full service bar review provider offering an array of bar review programs to suit the various needs of the bar reviewees. Jurists pioneered the integrated bar review and coaching program in the Philippines and is the leader in bar review research and innovation. The Jurists programs which the bar reviewee may choose from are the following:

- Prebar and preweek video lectures which are livestreamed or pre-recorded. Viewable 24/7 via video on demand until the last day of review.
- Livestreamed lectures on bar review/exam tactics and strategies, English for bar reviewees, and final briefing. (Note: These will not be recorded).
- Handouts in electronic form.
- 8 online mock-bars with 7 one-on-one coaching sessions via Zoom or other online videoconferencing platform.
- All video lectures may be listened to via audio-only feature in case of low bandwidth/connectivity on reviewee’s end.
- Last-minute tips in electronic form on all bar subjects.
- Prebar and preweek video lectures viewable 24/7 via video on demand until the last day of review.
- Handouts in electronic form.
- 8 online mock-bars with 7 one-on-one coaching sessions via email.
- All video lectures may be listened to via audio-only feature in case of low bandwidth/connectivity on reviewee’s end.
- Last-minute tips in electronic form on all bar subjects.
- Preweek video lectures which are livestreamed or pre-recorded. Viewable 24/7 via video on demand until the last day of review.
- Handouts in electronic form.
- All video lectures may be listened to via audio-only feature in case of low bandwidth/connectivity on reviewee’s end.
- Last-minute tips in electronic form on all bar subjects.
- Advance prebar video lectures viewable 24/7 via video on demand until the last day of review.
- 4 online mock-bars and 4 coaching sessions via email.
- Handouts in electronic form.