Our mock bar questions are crafted by the Jurists lecturers and experts. These are designed to replicate bar questions as to the form and the degree of difficulty. Certified and trained coaches discuss with the coachees their answers to the mock bars in one-on-one coaching sessions, incorporating therein the tried and tested Jurists method and bar exam strategies and tactics.
Jurists’ patented format and bar exam strategies and tactics empower the bar reviewee to outperform in the bar examination. Our certified and trained coaches will train you in the application of these strategies and tactics.
Our dedicated digital infrastructure using state-of-the-art, fiber-optic technology delivers a high-definition and high-quality video and audio experience to our reviewees 24/7. We have a tech service team ready to answer queries and address concerns of bar reviewees 24/7.
Jurists is the undisputed leader in bar review research and innovation. Jurists reinvented bar review in the Philippines by introducing the mock bar and coaching system in 2005 thus producing pass rates which have consistently trounced the national benchmark. Since then, Jurists has been at the forefront of developing new products and features to better empower bar reviewees, such as the first combined in-person and online bar review (2014), the first online preweek review (2016), the first in-house bar ops (2018), and the first online advance prebar review (2019).
Jurists’ lecturers are the best in their field. Our lecturers are made up of law professors, law book authors, former bar examiners, and renowned experts in their field. We have vetted our roster of lecturers to ensure that our reviewees get only the best and the brightest.
You’ll get the best bang out of your buck with our multiple review features